Saturday, January 22, 2011

Across an Ocean

Yesterday, I visited my friend in his dorm room,
And saw the towels hanging haphazardly by the door
I sat on his desk watching the shadows move across his face as he spoke.

Yesterday, I could see his hazel green eyes,
And listen as he told me stories from his day, his hands illustrating his words.
I could see his face crinkle with laughter, twinge in disgust, and then subside into its cool mask. 

I could hear him say hello, see him smile and hear his teasing voice,
But I could not greet him with a hug.

Today, I looked another friend in the face,
And listened as she read me an essay she had written just that morning.
I followed her through her house and up the hill that climbed steeply behind it.

Today, I stood beside her looking out across Palolo Valley,
And saw the skyscrapers of Waikiki etching their sharp silhouettes against the horizon.
I watched white clouds drifting lazily in the bright sky that arched high above the crowded houses.

I could see the sun shining down on those glittering roof tops,
But I could not feel its heat.

Yesterday and Today
I came face to face with two dear friends
I listened to their voices and watched them smile

My heart leaped with joy at the chance to share their stories
My excitement spilling onto my face and filling me with happiness

I wish that it were real
That the distance would disappear
That I could break through the fragile screens that separate us
That I could, with the click of a button, bridge the ocean between us and pull them into my arms

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