Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Bright skies
The soft squish of my stuffed dog
Reflections in the mirror
Off the sky
Bringing beauty to my eye

Favorite tees
Close cropped trees
The worn velvet of my rocking chair
Surrounding me with life
Springing from the ground
Vibrant all around

Bright tinged clouds
Ice cream in heaping mounds
The flowery profusion on my newest dress
It catches my eye
Soft and feminine
Reminding me of who I am

In excess they abound
From the sky to the humble ground
They speak of beauty's quiet strength
Bringing light to the drabbest things
Each color is a promise of His love
A testimony to the Father above.


  1. Cool blog. You shoulda told me you had it!

  2. I just started it earlier this year...and I've only shared it with two people....I was thinking about sharing it with you, but I come off as kinda melodramatic sometimes and I didn't want you to think I was silly. I'm glad you found it though. :)

  3. I guess, since you've kept it rather private so far, I should ask if you want me to link to it on the "Blogs I Follow" page before I update it.

    And you don't sound any more melodramatic/sillier than I've been, so no worries. :P

  4. Yay! Now I'm extra happy you found it....and I dunno....I'd sorta rather have you not...I have kept it pretty private.
