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My very own rendering of the Hofstadter Butterfly. I'm so happy right now! |
This fragmented collection of words is my attempt to sort out the mess of emotions, ideas, and people who define me and to rectify who I am with who I should be.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Library Regulars (a rap)
Me - ohhhhh...the library regulars are starting to show up...I feel like I should introduce myself 'cause there are these two other guys who are ALWAYS in here with me. haha.
My big bro- Library regulars:
Don't get me wrong girl
cuz I'm totally straight
But I'm a library regular
and I don't wanna hate
But why you been coming
all around here?
Is something messed up
with your personal gear?
P.S. My computer is broken so I've been doing a lot of my work in the library lately. Hence, the absolute perfection of my brother's little ditty. :)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
So this afternoon I was interviewed by my friend over at Bacon and Betelgeuse. Had to answer some tough questions, like who I am, why I blog, and where in the world did I get a name like Counting Pennies. It was fun and it made me think a bit. This post is a bit of a break from my normal material, but I think it's good to mix it up a little and, for those of you who are interested, this really talks a little more about who I am then I typically share. Enjoy! And check out Bacon and Betelgeuse for more thought provoking posts on everything from gaming to God to life.
Bacon & Betelgeuse: Why Counting Pennies?
onelovingsister: Let's see. I have a thing about pennies. My bf and I would always exchange pennies. Kinda random. Anyways, I was thinking I would probably be doing a lot of waiting in the next few years....and you know how when you're trying to make time pass....like to go to sleep or whatever you start counting things? Like counting sheep? Except pennies instead. :) My mom suggested it actually and that's why I decided to go with it.
B&B: Describe yourself; who do you think of yourself as. what is your self identity?
onelovingsister: I am a girl who has a lot of dreams and a lot of potential. What I want and what others want for me rarely line up. Sometimes I feel I lose myself in the struggle to be what I SHOULD be according to everybody else and what I WANT to be when the day is done. I love to write poetry, but I'm not that good at it. I love cooking and kids and best friends. Math is one of the things that keeps me going every day....math...and my mom. That is my biggest goal in life, to be a mother, but we shall see. I would say the single most defining aspect of my character is my faith. Jesus is the single most important person in my life and I hope to keep it that way. Always. Also, I am a hopeless romantic and I am in love.
B&B: Why did you decide to start a blog?
onelovingsister: Last fall, when my bf transferred schools and subsequently broke up with me, I found myself really struggling, emotionally, academically, even physically, to cope with my feelings. I spent a lot of time very very depressed. My grades started to suffer and I ended up needing to spend a lot of time talking to some close friends, my mom, and one of my professors. I realized that, for me, verbalizing how I felt helped me work through my feelings, a little bit at a time. I posted my stuff on facebook at first, but then I felt a little bit uncomfortable with that because many of my posts were pretty personal. That's when I decided to start a blog. It's my own little place to bare my heart to the world.
B&B: Speaking of personal, why have you recently decided to make your blog public?
onelovingsister: I don't really know. I'm still not ready to have it on facebook. I guess I just feel like it's time to...hmmm...move on? Perhaps that's not quite the right way to put it. As I mentioned earlier, this whole blog thing stemmed from personal issues I was dealing with. I guess I had always thought they were sort of short term issues? Things I would get over pretty quickly. That I would be able to resume my "normal" life soon. Well, I've come to realize it's not going to be like that. I'm in love and I'm waiting and I think I'm going to be doing that for quite a long time and it's okay to acknowledge that and accept that and share that. It's not something I need to cover up or hide from everybody or be ashamed of. It's just how it is. Yes, most of my friends think I'm stupid and crazy and I completely understand where they are coming from, but this is something I feel God is calling me to. So I guess I'm just ready to open up a little bit. Besides, I like to share. :)
B&B: What do you do when you're not writing?
onelovingsister: Ahhh....now that's easy. When I'm not writing, I am working or sleeping or eating or cooking or working out. :) Work consists of studying for school, doing math research, or lifeguarding at my school's pool. I usually do not get enough sleep. I generally eat too much. I love to cook and bake, but only for other people. I do not like to make food for myself. I love to turbo kick (you should try it!) and actually recently got certified as an intstructor. I also love swimming. Sunshine and water make me happy. :) However, my number one favorite thing to do when not writing is going to the beach with my friends and family. I love to hang out with the people I love and the beach just can't be beat. :D
B&B: Anything you'd like to add, or any questions you would like to be asked?
onelovingsister: I would like to add that you are one of the reasons I first considered blogging as my "outlet" and that I really enjoy reading your non-gaming related blog posts. :) Oh! And readers should never hesitate to comment! Even when my posts seem pretty personal or sensitive or whatever. Comments are fun.
B&B: Well, I've run out of questions. Pleasure interviewing you, and may your blog receive many hits!
onelovingsister: haha. thanks! :D
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
We are Love
We are all love of family,
We are love of all the family
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
Everyone is love
Everyone in this country is love.
God is in this country,
So God is love,
We are loving we are good we are nice.....
God created everything,
God created everything for us to play in.
That's love.
Everyone is love
All the people are love
the trees are love
Family of trees
The gravel is love
Family of gravel
The grass
All the grass
Is love.
Family of grass.
I love you
We are
Family of love.
-My three year old brother
Sunday, July 24, 2011
It seems that fear has won the fight
As I lay awake each night
Tired heart too full to weep
Mind too troubled to let me sleep
I cannot see past today
And the pain that paints it grey
But if I trust Your words are true
Then I know You'll see me through
So each day I'll just keep moving forward
Keep my eyes focused upward
Face turned toward the light
For You have made my future bright
Thursday, July 21, 2011
"Love...believes all things..."
Without exception
Without qualification
Without hesitation
May God grant me the grace to love as He does.
Without exception
Without qualification
Without hesitation
May God grant me the grace to love as He does.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Painfully Obvious
I used to always say that pain was irrelevant.
I thought I could always do what needed to be done no matter how much it hurt.
Now, for the first time in my life, I am tempted to quit simply because this hurts so bad.
I never imagined that anything could be so torturous for so very long.
I guess I was just naive, young and foolish some would say, but I thought time itself would numb my heart.
It has become painfully obvious that either time has failed me or I am failing miserably at waiting for enough to pass me by.
I can hardly bare it anymore.
I am drowning in this swamp of sorrow and doubt, pulled under by the weight of my own despair.
I try to shrug it off, to stand strong, to make it through, but I just can't seem to gather the strength.
My trust in you is shaken and I have neither the heart to believe you nor the heart to reject you.
I can only pray that God will give me the heart to love you, unrequited, for as long as need be.
I can only pray that God will give me the heart to love you, unrequited, for as long as need be.
That He will give me the faith to trust that this time your words are as real as the pain I carry with me each day.
His Words
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." -Proverbs 31:30
"Do not let your adornment be merely outward—
arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—
rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very precious in the sight of God." -1 Peter 3:3-5
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." -Proverbs 31:30
"Do not let your adornment be merely outward—
arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—
rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very precious in the sight of God." -1 Peter 3:3-5
In the Eye of the Beholder
Beauty is
Defined by you
Sought by me
Is Beauty
The number of inches around my waist?
The number of boys who's lips I taste?
How I fix my hair?
What clothes I choose to wear?
Some nights I lie awake and wonder
What life would be like if I were
As lovely as the princess in a fairy tale
If I saw the number I wanted on the scale
Would you still have said goodbye?
Was your story just a lie?
Some days I just want to be beautiful.
Defined by you
Sought by me
An elusive prize
A shifting mirage of truth and lies
Is Beauty
The number of inches around my waist?
The number of boys who's lips I taste?
How I fix my hair?
What clothes I choose to wear?
Some nights I lie awake and wonder
What life would be like if I were
As lovely as the princess in a fairy tale
If I saw the number I wanted on the scale
Would you still have said goodbye?
Was your story just a lie?
Some days I just want to be beautiful.
Something Stupid
"If it's just something stupid ask for help because someone can help you.
It's when you've tried everything and nothing works and you don't know
what to do that's when you don't ask because no one can help you anyway."
-my mentor.
Which begs the question, what if you've tried everything, nothing works, you don't know what to do, AND it's something stupid?
It's when you've tried everything and nothing works and you don't know
what to do that's when you don't ask because no one can help you anyway."
-my mentor.
Which begs the question, what if you've tried everything, nothing works, you don't know what to do, AND it's something stupid?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Missing you.
You know the day you first hugged me was also the day you first told me you loved me?
We got things so backwards. <3 I miss you.
We got things so backwards. <3 I miss you.
Today's Happy Happenstance
I was sitting on the steps outside of Cherry on Top eating my froyo in the warmth of the setting sun just minding my own business and watching the people pass me by as I thought over life. Today has given me some trouble and I wanted to be alone for a while and get some sugar in my blood. As I was getting ready to leave my warm step a family passed by me with their freshly acquired cups of sweetness. I thought nothing of it and went to throw away my empty cup and spoon. Walking back down Green St. I kept my head down focused on ignoring a young guy who had been checking me out while having a smoke with his buddy. Just as I passed by them I heard someone calling me and I immediately felt a little panicked, but when I looked up I breathed a sigh of relief. It was the same family I had seen leaving Cherry on Top a few minutes before. The following conversation made my day.
man - "Hey! So how old are you?"
me to the man- *are-you-kidding-me-right-now-look*
man- "I think you're 17, but my wife thinks your 25."
me to the man's wife- *are-you-kidding-me-right-now-look*
wife- "No! It's just that...well.."
me- "Oh! I'm 19."
man to his wife- "See!"
man to me- "What school do you go to?"
me- "I'm not from around here. I go to the University of Hawaii-Hilo. I'm just here for the summer doing a research project at Caltech."
man- "I knew you were smart! So you go to Caltech?"
me- "No. I'm from Hawaii, but I'm doing a project in theoretical physics at Caltech this summer."
man- "See! I told my wife you were smart. When I saw you I just I knew you were smart! I wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my judgement. Good luck with everything!"
me- *wondering-how-anyone-looks-smart-eating-froyo-on-a-street-corner* "Thank you!"
Perhaps it was just the way he said it, "I knew you were smart!" He was just so certain and emphatic about it even though all he had seen me do was eat froyo on a step. It really made me smile.
Perhaps it was just the way he said it, "I knew you were smart!" He was just so certain and emphatic about it even though all he had seen me do was eat froyo on a step. It really made me smile.
I Dislike:
Those awkward times when you love someone too much to shut up even though you both wish you would.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
You saw me that day
But you didn't know what to say
I had not the slightest idea
I had caught your heart in my snare
Lab Partners
Study Buddies
Each week that passed the closer we grew
Still you never said what you knew to be true
I never guessed that in lab you were always such a tease
Just to cover your blush when my thigh brushed your knees
Soft sighs
Late night talks
Random walks
I finally began to see
What you really meant to me
Flowers for my hair
Longing stares
Holding me close
Not letting go
Your eyelashes brush my cheek
I can't bear the thought you'll be gone in a week
Far apart now I remember how you rarely said
The thoughts running through your head
Losing you
Fighting me
Just 'cause I don't hear it anymore
Doesn't make your love for me any less sure
One day we'll be together again
And nothing else will matter then
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Suffering, Submission, Perfection, Release
Inner veil torn
Ripped completely in two
Son’s suffering grants intimacy
For God’s chosen few
Suffering, submission,
Perfection, release
Pray without ceasing
Humbled down on weak knees
Fumbling, Groping,
Wanting to please
Voice firm and clear
Releasing of fear
Peace offered, Peace taken
Direction is clear
Hands gently open
Seeking just One
Heart soft and listening
Safe with the Son
Suffering, submission,
Perfection, release
Written for me by my mom in response to my poem, Torn.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Put you in my box of memories
High up on the shelf
Put you with the dusty volumes
Of my long forgotten past
Put you out of my mind
With all your love and hope and hurt
Put you out of my heart
Where you always came in first
Is that what you want?
To join the ghosts that haunt my past?
Just one more friendship that didn’t last?
Around my neck I wear the key
The only one that seals the box
I filled with all I thought would be
But each time I go to fasten the lock
My heart shrinks back
For once it’s closed
There’s no returning
And so I stand here
Torn in two
Between the love I feel for you
And what you last asked me to do
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